Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moodle and Dipity

This week we are looking at Web 2.0 tools.  I will be looking at two different ones, Moodle and Dipity.  I have used both, and I have different opinions on both. 

First, let's look at moodle.  Moodle is an online classroom and course organizing site.  I had to create an account for a different class, we had to setup a moodle account for a class that we taught, or would like to teach.  It took me several days to gain access to the site, then once I was in I had a lot of trouble getting things setup.  I found it very difficult to navigate, and get my assignments entered.  I found the site very disappointing regarding user friendliness. 

Now let's look at dipity.  This an online timeline creator, not only can you create your own, but you can search ones that have been created by others and use them as resources for your lessons.  I think that this would be great for a history teacher, but you could use this in a literature class, you could document a writers life and literary works in a chronological order.  Or in science to list the dates of famous discoveries or scientist.  So this website is great for many different subjects, and it is easy to navigate and use. 

So, in closing, just because it is a great tool, you need to make sure that it is easy to use, because as we all know, our time is very precious, and could be better used doing something productive rather than struggling with a tool that is supposed to make our job easier. 


  1. I also had to set up a moodle account for another class. It took forever to gain access and I found it hard to navigate as well. I am assuming the more time you put into it the easier it gets but I was not a fan of it. I felt like I put more time into trying to figure it out then actually imputing my assignments.
    I have never heard of dipity. I'm going to have to look it up. Thanks for the resource!

  2. Looks like we are all in agreement about Moodle. It is not very user-friendly or intuitive. I'm not wildly enthusiastic about Blackboard either. Hmmm...I wonder what Haiku and Ninehub are like?

  3. Wow, have you guys taken EDUC 563? I had Dr. Henry, and our main objective was to create a virtual classroom with Moodle. I thought it was awesome! Going through sqooltools I was accepted in less than 24 hours. Is it intuitive? Not really. Is it hard to navigate? I don't think so, once you learn a few tips. Is it user friendly? Yeah, I think so. It takes some getting used to, like any other new tool, but in the end I was thrilled with what I had accomplished. We incorporated all kinds of web tools, lessons on digital citizenship, collaboration and community, and she led us through the entire way. If you did take that class and still feel that way about Moodle, then I guess it's like any other tool: It isn't for everyone.

    1. I have to agree! I loved Moodle (once I figured it out, of course)! Having to dive into it and make that class creation was key to understanding it. I guess we all have to find our niche in what works for both us and our audience!

  4. I wish I knew about dipity a few months ago!! We were teaching history in social studies and making timelines. This would of been very useful for my students to use and make their own timelines on the computers. Guess that's why we keep learning about more web 2.0 tools and can now take what we learn back to the classroom and other teachers in our building.
